Fire Restoration

Below are some of the sure signs that fire restoration services is the best solution for your residential or commercial property.

Stains on the Walls
Are you noticing black or gray stains on the walls in your home or business the days after a fire? Most likely, these are smoke spots that must be addressed promptly. Proper cleaning is required to remove smoke particles from walls. However, there are some situations when replacing the materials is necessary.

A few days following a house fire, metal hardware that was affected by the flames may start to rust. That can be hazardous for hardware you depend upon to maintain a functioning household, which is why fire restoration is so critical. These damaged areas can be cleaned to minimize the rusting.

Cloudy Air

Perhaps you’ve opened some windows and turned on a few fans but that unpleasant cloudiness remains from the fire. Do not simply wait for this to dissipate over time. The cloudiness is probably caused by chemicals that were released from the fire, which might be hazardous to breath in. An experienced restoration contractor can perform a professional cleaning that eliminates that risk.

The Smell of Smoke
Even if you’ve tried to clean your home thoroughly after a fire, the odor of smoke can linger for quite a lone time. Many homeowners may not know that many materials very easily absorb smoke as it spreads during a fire. To ensure it is removed properly, a professional restoration contractor is the resource to call.

Our fire restoration technicians can conduct a full, comprehensive inspection of the home or business to identify what areas need to be cleaned and restored to eliminate the smoke. Once we finish, you’ll be able to breathe easy again!

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